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Member benefits include:
3 digital issues of Dimensions of Early Childhood (February, July, and October) our refereed journal
Access to the digital archives of Dimensions, member articles and book reviews
Monthly email articles containing timely, practical tips and handouts for early childhood professionals
Monthly book reviews highlighting children's books
Discounts on SECA Training, the annual conference, and professional publications and products
20% discount on SECA merchandise
Discounts with ProSolutions Training
Membership with your State Affiliate
The SECA Website and its many invaluable resources and the SECA annual conference, and much more.
Access to the member directory for online networking
The pride of being a member of an organization dedicated to promoting quality care and education for young children, their families, and the professionals who nurture them!
A SECA membership is accepted by the Council for Professional Development to complete a CDA application or renewal.