2025 SECA Conference
The Southern Early Childhood Association is the oldest early childhood professional association in the south. We are excited to welcome you back to the SECA Annual Conference.
Booth selection is now open!
Exhibit and Pricing Information
All Exhibit space is carpeted.
Booth Exhibit Package (8’ x 10’) - $495.00
10' back wall and 3' side drapes
One (1) 6’ x 30” skirted tables
Two (2) side chairs
Listing in our official Conference App
Table Exhibit Package - $375.00
One (1) 6’ x 30” skirted tables
Two (2) side chairs
Listing in our official Conference App
Contracts for Exhibit Space
Contracts will be accepted by mail, email or online and must be accompanied with payment by check, money order, or credit card for the full amount of the space reserved. No space will be reserved until payment has been received in the SECA office.
Electrical & Internet Service
Electrical services for exhibits must be coordinated with the hotel. Order details will be sent by email.
Exhibit & Drayage Service
Exhibit and drayage services will be provided by AEX/Texas Expo.
DEADLINE for Ad Artwork: January 2, 2025
Sponsorship Opportunities
SECA has developed an exciting array of sponsorship opportunities and we wanted to ask for your support. By becoming a sponsor, the Southern Early Childhood Association can offer an enhanced experience at conference to both our experienced and emerging young professionals throughout the Southern states. Your sponsorship will be recognized at the conference in several ways, including the official SECA conference app.

Thursday, March 20, 2025
Exhibitor Move in - 12:00PM – 4:00PM
Exhibits Open - 5:00PM – 8:00PM
Friday, March 21, 2025
Exhibits Open - 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Silent Auction Open - 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Saturday, March 22, 2025
Exhibits Open - 8:00AM – 1:00PM
Exhibits Close - 1:00PM
Tear down/Move out - 1:00PM – 2:00PM
Exhibitor Schedule
Contract Stipulations
By exhibiting at SECA, you agree to the following stipulations:
Exhibitor Restrictions
SECA reserves the right to prohibit any exhibit or part of an exhibit, that, in its opinion, is not suitable to, or in keeping with, the character or purpose of the Exhibition, or for any reasons that might become objectionable. In the event of such restriction, SECA is not liable for any refunds or rentals or other exhibit-related expenses.
Liability and Insurance
Exhibitors agree to protect and hold harmless the Southern Early Childhood Association, the Royal Sonesta Houston, and their officers, employees and agents from any and all claims for damages, suits, etc. and all persons or others that may result on account of injury, loss or damage sustained upon the space occupied by the exhibitors, or on account of machinery and property under the control of an exhibitor, his representatives or employees. Neither SECA nor the Royal Sonesta Houston will be responsible for any loss, injury or damage, including that by fire or theft, that may occur to an exhibitor or to his agents or employees, or to his or their property or wares arising from any course whatsoever, prior, during or subsequent to the period of the exhibition. Each exhibitor, by signing an application and contract to exhibit, understands that he releases SECA, the Royal Sonesta Houston, and their employees, officers, and agents from and agrees to indemnify each against any and all claims from any such loss, injury or damage.
Protection of the Building
Exhibitors will be liable for any damage caused to the property, and no material or matter of any kind shall be posted on, tacked, nailed, screwed or otherwise attached to columns, doors, walls, floors or other parts of the building and furnishings. Whatever may be necessary to properly protect the building, equipment, or furniture will be installed at the expense of the exhibitor.
Interpretation and Violation
Any points not covered here or elsewhere are subject to settlement by the management. All rules and regulations promulgated by the Royal Sonesta Houston will apply to activities within the exhibit areas. Any violation of these rules and regulations by any exhibitor will void the agreement for exhibit space, and such exhibitor will forfeit all monies that have been paid.
The SECA President or President-Elect shall have the right to terminate the agreement for exhibit space and re-entry is not allowed.
Refund Policy
· A processing fee of $50 will be charged on all refunds.
· No refunds will be made for cancellations received after January 31. 2024.
· No refunds will be made if space is not used, nor will any refund be made on space used only for a part or portion of the exhibit period.
Any exhibit space not claimed and/or occupied by 5:00 pm on Thursday, March 20, 2025, may be reassigned without refund. The original contracting exhibitor shall be liable for the full amount of the exhibit space rental whether or not the space is used.
Exhibit Cancellation
Payment for exhibit space will be returned, less any actual expenses incurred in connection with Exhibition, if the Exhibition is canceled 90 days or less prior to the opening date because of fire, or any act of God or the public enemy, or strike, or epidemic, or pandemic, or any law, regulation or public authority that makes it impossible or impractical to hold the Exhibition.
Conducting Exhibits
· Exhibits must be staffed at all times while the exhibit hall is open.
· Electrical or other mechanical apparatus must be muffled so noise does not interfere with other exhibitors.
· Interviews, distribution of literature, samples and detailing should take place inside booths in order to avoid infringement of the rights and privileges of other exhibitors.
· Exhibitors who play recorded or live music in the exhibit hall must furnish waivers from the composers and performers stating that neither BMI nor ASCAP will collect from SECA.
· All licenses and taxes are the responsibility of the exhibitor.
Security and Insurance
· SECA cannot guarantee against loss or damage of any kind but will endeavor to protect exhibitors by ensuring the security of the exhibit area during non-operational hours if exhibit hall cannot be locked.
· Exhibitors wishing to insure their exhibit materials, goods and/or wares on exhibit against theft, damage by fire, accident or loss of any kind must do so at their own expense.