Recognizing Excellence In The South
Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA) is proud to announce the recipients of our 2023 awards.
SECA supports leadership development in our state affiliates and the development of exemplary early childhood projects throughout the South by providing financial support each year to selected persons and projects.
Available grants:
Janie Humphries Student Leadership Grant

Floyd Creech
(South Carolina)
Outstanding SECA Member
The Outstanding Member Award is presented each year by the SECA Board of Directors to recognize a SECA member who has contributed significantly to the organization. Has a record of service to the organization, demonstrated a commitment to the mission of the organization as evidenced through his/her personal and professional experiences. And be recognized by his/her colleagues as a leader in the field of early childhood education through their service to children and families in the South.
The winner to be announced and will be presented with the Mint Julep Cup at the annual conference
Click here to view previous recipients.

Phil Acord Award
This award established in 2017 to honor Phil Acord of Tennessee for his service to the children and families of the South and to recognize outstanding contributions by men to the field of early childhood education. The establishment of this award was a joint partnership between SECA and Kaplan Early Learning Company for the first 5 years. Click here to view past recipients.
Dr. Reggie Wicker
(South Carolina)

Judy Prine
Glenda Bean Scholarship Award
This scholarship will be awarded in honor of Glenda Bean of Arkansas who has served as SECA Executive Director from 1998 to 2017. Before coming to SECA, Glenda was the Director of the Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education for the state of Arkansas. She has guided SECA through her excellence in governance and management throughout her time at SECA. This scholarship consists of a stipend (set by the SECA Board of Directors) and complimentary conference registration to aid in the recipient’s attendance at the SECA Annual Conference.
The individual who is chosen to receive this scholarship should:
ï‚· Be a current member of SECA
ï‚· Be a current or former employee or board member of a SECA state affiliate
ï‚· Be recognized for specific contributions to strengthening the management and/or governance structure of the affiliate.
Click here to view past recipients.

Deborah DePaoli
(South Carolina)
President’s Award
This award is presented at the annual conference to a state advocate who has made contributions at the state level in the field of advocacy that supports children and families. Click here to view previous recipients.

Amy Jo Hutchison
(West Virginia)
Dr. T. Berry Brazelton Friend of Children
This award is given at the annual conference to an individual who is a nationally recognized children’s advocate. For having made a contribution nationally in the field of advocacy that supports children and families. Click here to view previous recipients.

Woodie Sue Herlein
Rich Schofield Memorial Scholarship
Created in 2005 by the SECA Board of Directors in memory of Rich Scofield, a SECA member from Tennessee, who contributed significantly to the Association during his life. Rich was the creator of School-Age Notes and focused his attention on the school-age population, particularly before and after school programs. Click here to view past recipients.
Helen Harley Scholarships Recipients
The Helen B. Harley Memorial Scholarships were created in honor of Helen B. Harley, SACUS business manager from 1971 to 1974. Mrs. Harley was from South Carolina and served as the first “official” business manager of the Association. Scholarships are presented each year to individuals from designated states to assist him/her in attending the SECA conference for the first time. The scholarship consists of a stipend (set by the SECA Board of Directors) and complimentary conference registration.
Click here to view past recipients.
Kimberly Bemis
Sarah Siebert
Marian B. Hamilton Award Recipients
This award was created in honor of Marian B. Hamilton, a past president of the Southern Association on Children Under Six (SACUS). Marian was a member of the Kentucky association and served as SACUS (now SECA) President in 1978 & 1979. During her term of office, circulation of Dimensions of Early Childhood rose to 12,000 and the first Board-to-Board newsletter was created.
Three grants are awarded each year by designated states to strengthen local affiliates/chapters or to recognize outstanding leadership. The award rotates among the states and the recipient is selected, based on the following:
Leadership—This individual or group of individuals is able to motivate and inspire others to accomplish a specific goal or objective.
Initiative—This individual or group of individuals is able to take charge by creating or developing a program, project, or activity that impacts the community and has a personal commitment to see the project through to its resolution with determined effort.
Dedication—This individual or group of individuals is recognized by others for being
dedicated to achieving the desired results.
Click here to view past recipients.

Michael Gonzalez

Apple Valley Chapter of VAAEYC